Doing a pre scan prior to repairs lets the client know which components need to be repaired or replaced, and the post scan ensures that all damaged parts have been addressed.
Pre & Post Vehicle Repair Scans
When a vehicle has been involved in a collision, it’s imperative to identify which parts or systems need to be repaired or replaced.

Performing a pre scan with the asTech™ device before any repairs begin can offer multiple benefits.
By determining any hidden damage from the start, cycle time(s) can be significantly reduced. Costly mistakes, such as repairing a vehicle that should be a total loss, can be avoided. Performing a pre scan identifies all damaged parts and can give the client the opportunity to determine if the vehicle is a write-off.
A pre scan provides the FleetGenix clients with a complete report on any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC’s) which reveal pre-collision and collision related damage. This important step removes unnecessary delays waiting for replacement parts and also reduces the waiting time to have additional insurance authorizations for such repairs.
Performing a post scan with the asTech™ device ensures all systems on the vehicle are properly working after repairs are completed.
Failure to perform a post scan increases the risk that the vehicle may be returned with malfunctioning, or inoperable safety systems.
The FleetGenix technicians will do a post diagnostic scan with the asTech™ device to ensure the vehicle is returned to pre-accident condition. This can prevent possible claims of improper repairs and other related damages if complete repairs were not done. This also can eliminate most post sale arbitration claims at auto auctions and bring higher ROI’s to the sellers.